i'm always rushing around in the morning - shower, get dressed, apply make-up, make coffee, feed the dog, close all doors, dog-proof the cabinets. OH! and walk millie. and by the time i actually get around to walking her, she has literally one minute to do her business.
is it fair? no, not really. but it's what happens every day.
what drives me sooo crazy though, is that i know she has to poop, she is about to go, and then she won't! she paces and paces to find the perfect patch of grass or gravel. i can never understand, if you have to go, what's the difference between here and there? why waste my time!?!
then i realized, millie isn't that different from you and i. will you just poop anywhere? we all try to find that "perfect spot." one afternoon while wandering around the city, i suddenly got the urge. i had to make a choice. the starbucks on canal in chinatown or virgin megastore in union square. they are both a crap shoot (pun intended?). the ultimate decision is to poop or not at work. and now there are even websites and google maps that help find a local and recommended bathroom (nyrestrooms)!
so i have learned to accept and respect millie's decision making process. it's probably the most important decision she has to make all day. well, next to deciding if she will eat the cat's poop today.
I am glad your blog is back!!!
thanks gaby!!
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